
How to add external library to kontakt 5 2017
How to add external library to kontakt 5 2017

how to add external library to kontakt 5 2017

It's long but still faster than having to launch every bank installation one by one. To not miss some, as I have a large number of bank, I note every bank on a text file I have, by alphabetic order (at least only for the one that need to be add, some don't have the "official" menu - don't remember how they call that), and so I can use this as a checklist everytime I make a new installation of Kontakt (but next time I'll try boogiewoogies's method). cmakeminimumrequired (VERSION 3.4.1) file (GLOB CPPFILES '.cpp') addlibrary ( Sets the name of the library. I have made the suggested change but still it does not show up the folders in the cpp folder. Basically you just need to manually tell your kontakt where are the banks (but one by one if it doesn't show every bank with the scan). It should now add files from the cpp folder to your project. In other words, I like to declare an external project as a dependency for a shared library. It can be a long process if you have a lot of bank, but at least you don't have to install/copy them with the exe (or dmg I guess for mac) file. TLDR: I would like to ask CMake to wait for ExternalProjectAdd to complete before it attempts to move on to the next subdirectory and build a library that happens to use one of the files of the external project.

how to add external library to kontakt 5 2017

Then I scan and some banks don't show up, so for those one I add them manually with the "add library" button. I first installed all my banks on an external hd (like you, it seems), and then I just installed kontakt (the vst/au/standalone, whetever you use) on the 2 others computer (without the soundbanks). Kontakt automatically adds libraries that are registered in your Native Access App, but any library that doesnt require a native access serial number is not. Not sure how it work on mac to use boogiewoogie's method (I'm on a PC too, so I'll note this method for later, thanks) but here's how I do it, as I use Kontakt on 3 differents computer.

How to add external library to kontakt 5 2017